Thursday, March 20, 2014

31. The Questions of Togo

As noted earlier, Shaving 4 joined the Peace Corps and went to Togo, the village of Bitchabe.

From time to time he travels to the nearest big city, Bassara, to conduct his affairs.

The Bitchabeians are by nature inquisitive and routinely converse when passing. The abstract of these exchanges could be ~ “How’s it going?” but in the event it’s apparently a long list of rapid fire questions…”how’s your wife, how’s your crops, how’s the kids, what’d you eat last night” (I made that last one up but you get the picture).

Preparing for a motor cycle/taxi trip to Bassara inquiries were made as to (abstract) “why?” Shaving 4 tells them he has to go to the post office, bank, and use the internet. Apparently they got to “what’s the internet?” quickly.

Think about it. Subsistence farmers (turns out they do ok) in sub-Saharan West Africa ask YOU…”What’s the internet?” Ol’ Shaving 4 had a good reply; “It’s something you look up the answers to questions with”. [DRUM ROLL] The citizens of Bitchabe quickly upped their game, cross examination wise.


  1. Why do people suffer?
  2. Why are some people more intelligent than others?
  3.  Why can’t some people have babies?
  4.  Why are some people albinos?


These questions were discussed in a phone call soon thereafter. On question #1 I suggested a Genesis answer; Garden of Eden, sin, man expelled (25% Christian, 25% Muslim, 50% animist). Shaving 4 says “No, that’s not what they mean.” Apparently, the Bitchabeians know other people have more stuff than they do:  their neighbors in the country to the west, the citizens of Lome, occasional visitors from elsewhere, etc.

Mrs. Sawed-off and moi are about to go visit. We’re taking gifts for shaving 4’s closest friends. Knives (a real big one for the pig butcher), snake banded hats (the rabbit guy is apparently into hats) and 30 Macanudo cigars (which are very popular) for the men, ear rings for the ladies, hard candy for the kids... and a copy of WEALTH OF NATIONS & a HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY textbook!


